Can Cataracts Be Prevented?
The key to preventing vision loss, changes to vision, and the development of eye conditions such as cataracts, begins with regular eye exams. By scheduling your annual exam with CLIENT NAME, testing will evaluate the health of your eyes as well as provide you with treatment options that include prevention of certain eye diseases. While studies have shown that taking care to reduce certain risk factors that lead to both the onset and progression of cataracts can be helpful, there is currently no scientific evidence that concludes cataracts can be prevented. A cataract is the clouding of the lens of the eye caused by a breakdown of protein in the lens that can impair vision. Cataracts affect nearly 22 million Americans over the age of 40. In fact, by age 80, more than half of Americans have a cataract or have had cataract surgery.
Risk factors for cataracts include natural aging, excessive exposure to sunlight, excessive consumption of alcohol, smoking, obesity, high blood pressure, diabetes, prolonged use of corticosteroids, previous eye injury or inflammation, or previous eye surgery. While most cataracts develop due to increased age, several strategies may be helpful to ward off cataracts for as long as possible and additionally provide other health benefits. These include regular eye examinations, quitting smoking, eating a balanced diet that includes plenty of fruits and vegetables, wearing sunglasses that block ultraviolet rays, reducing alcohol intake, and managing other health conditions. Chronic health conditions, such as diabetes and high blood pressure, have been linked to contributing to the development of cataracts. Blood sugar levels need to be kept under control to limit eye damage caused by a high glucose level.
Whether or not you notice changes to your vision, routine exams can provide you with information about your eyes, even beyond what you can see. At Pennachio Eye, we provide top of the line technology to detect and diagnose eye problems in their early stages with great accuracy while providing the highest standard of care. Schedule your appointment by calling 325-227-1999 or visit online at WEBSITE.