Through the Looking Glass: What the World Looks Like with Cataracts
Clear vision is a blessing easily taken for granted. Aging can bring on a number of health issues. One of the most common age-related associations is the development of cataracts, a common eye condition that if left untreated can compromise vision, altering your clear view of the world.
A cataract is a clouding of the usually transparent lens of the eye. Imagine looking through a fogged-up or frosted window—this is what the world looks like with cataracts. This cloudy haze over the eyes also dulls the perception of colors. While cataracts progress gradually, and can differ in stages in each eye, symptoms will include clouded, dim or blurred vision, glare and light sensitivity, double vision in one eye, impaired night vision, halos around lights, need for brighter light for various activities including reading, yellowish or faded color vision, and frequent changes in prescription eyewear. A cataract in one eye may develop more slowly than in the other eye causing differences in vision. It is possible that cloudy vision can come and go but eventually that cloudiness will worsen. As the cataract grows, it blocks the light entering the eye, preventing sharply defined images from reaching the retina. As a result, images will become blurred and objects in view will appear soft around the edges or out of focus.
Monitoring cataract progression will help you and your doctor determine when cataract surgery is necessary to restore clarity to your vision. There are 4 stages of cataracts and for most people the very early developments of cataract disease can begin to form in the 40-50s age range, but cataracts generally do not begin to be a bigger concern until age 60 or older. It may take years before cataracts noticeably affect your quality of vision. In the early stages or while you are waiting for a scheduled cataract surgery, you can manage your eye health using a few helpful tips. These include increasing the size of your reading font, avoiding driving at night, getting a stronger prescription, adding extra lighting, wearing anti-glare glasses, using magnifying glasses and placing contrasting colors around your home to help you see better. As always, Pennachio Eye recommends a comprehensive eye exam to diagnose, manage, and treat signs and symptoms of cataracts. For your vision needs, access our website here WEBSITE for more information and schedule your exam today by calling 325-227-1999.