What Causes Itchy Eyes?
Itchy eyes can be annoying and frustrating. Whether it’s due to allergies, an illness or something else, it can be bothersome to say the least.
Itchy eyes affect all of us from time to time. Usually it lasts only a few minutes and then goes away. But sometimes the itching can become overwhelming and last for hours, days or even longer.
If your itchy eyes are interfering with your daily activities, you may have a condition that needs to be treated by an eye doctor.
Common causes of itchy eyes include:
Allergies – often cause redness and itching, but is not contagious
Pinkeye (conjunctivitis) – may be caused by a bacteria or a virus, often highly contagious and common in young children
The Common Cold – the cold virus can last up to a week and symptoms can include itchy eyes
Contacts – people who wear contact lenses may experience itching due to irritation or infection
Dry Eye – a lack of proper moisture in the eye can cause irritation and itching
Blepharitis – common condition characterized by chronic inflammation of the eyelid that results in irritation, itching, and redness
Although these are not all of the conditions that can cause itchy eyes, they are the most common. If you think your itchy eyes are caused by something else, contact your health care provider to discuss your symptoms.
If itchy eyes are bothering you, don’t hesitate to schedule an exam with Dr. Pennachio in Clermont. Many itchy eye causes are easily treated and you can be on your way with no more discomfort. Contact Pennachio Eye at 325-227-1999 or website today.